Why Yucca Root is Great For Your HairYucca has sometimes been referred to as the soap root due to its cleaning and antiseptic properties. Yucca is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the Asparagaceae family. It is typically found in the South West USA, Mexico, and places in South America. It does best in dry climates such as these. However, there are varieties that can be found as far North as Southern Alberta and on the islands of the Carribean. The plant can be identified by its long sword-like leaves and when it flowers is crowned with tall white or off-white flowers. There are almost 50 species of Yucca. Yucca root is high in folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.



The various types of yucca are widely utilized in alternative remedies in Native American health solutions. Yucca helps to regenerate skin cells and gives therapy to skin that is exposed to not only the sun but also by chemical parabens that age you prematurely.  It can calm irritated skin conditions as an antioxidant. Yucca is also most widely cultivated as an ornamental garden plant where they provide a dramatic feature used indoors or out.


Yucca and Hair

It is widely used as a remedy for hair loss or hair thinning. It is not a cure for baldness, but the root extracts will stimulate the scalp. The ingredient is most effective as a scalp treatment because it contains saponins, which are cleansers that also reduce inflammation, itchiness, and dandruff. It will leave your hair very clean and also boost volume. Strands will look shiny, smooth, fuller, and healthier. Yucca naturally works to thicken hair.


Dandruff Fighter

Native American tribes in Northern Mexico and South America use yucca roots extract to help treat dandruff and dry scalp. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.



It removes product buildup and dirt from the scalp due to its anti-fungal properties.


Fights Hair Loss

There are people who swear by yucca when it comes to hair loss even though there is no proof yet regarding this. Before washing their hair, they just massage some of its extracts onto their scalp for a few minutes.


Yucca as a Food Source

Those white, or off-white, flowers can be blanched for a few minutes before being added to meals as a flavoring. Some people put them in sancochos and serve them steamed with sautéed onions and garlic. You can eat them like fries with chipotle mayo sauce or spread some fresh avocado on a piece of yucca-derived casabe. There are so many delicious ways to have Yucca.

You can eat most of the Yucca plant. This includes the stalks as they are emerging, fruit, leaf bases, and flowers when picked at the right time.  The trunks or stems contain saponins that taste like soap and are toxic. To make them edible, you can bake or boil them. Flower stalks should be used before they have flowers because they can become tasteless and fibrous. You can cook them when they first emerge or when they resemble a large asparagus stalk you can eat them raw as they are still tender. You need to pick the flowers at a precise time for flavor purposes. When eating Yucca, the fruit is the best part of the plant when harvesting. Only Yucca with thick leaves grows the four-inch-long fruit. Typically people roast or bake it, and it can keep up to several months. It can taste like a fig or molasses. People make it into a sweet cake. Yucca fruit can be picked before it is ripe and ripe while stored off the plant. Yucca is a delicious and abundant food source that you may want to explore for its health benefits as well as taste.


Practical Uses

The leaves can be used to make beautiful baskets, and they are sharp enough to puncture meat. The Native and South American people would create loops with them to hang meat to smoke or salt. Yucca proved to be a useful tool.


Medicinal Uses

There are medicinal properties of the Yucca. Besides being food, it also has been used as a natural laxative. Native people used it treat issues with their skin. An infusion from the roots was also used to get rid of lice. The Yucca is loaded with saponins, one of nature’s cleansers.


Can I Grow My Own Yucca?

Yucca plants are very easy to grow, however, to get the most benefit from the plant, it’s much more efficient to use high-quality hair care products that already have Yucca in them.

If you do choose to grow the plant, they should receive indirect sunlight when grown indoors. When growing Yucca from seed, they will germinate quickly after they have been held for a season. The seed needs to be a very dark brown or even black and show signs of splitting apart. If they still have a green color, then they can’t be removed from the host plant yet. Yuccas can be cultivated from established plants by digging up offsets, rhizomes, and stem cuttings.

Due to this, the Yucca is easy to care for plant that is beneficial to every gardener and a must for the home garden and is a plant that can provide a wide variety of health benefits.



Now with all your knowledge about Yucca, perhaps you are interested in using its properties with helping your hair. Your hair can easily get dried out if it is stressed. It can be damaged by the elements, such as the sun and wind. You shouldn’t leave it defenseless in these conditions. You can moisturize and protect your hair with Dr. Yates Hydrating Shampoo and Dr. Yates Hydrating Conditioner.